5 Alternatives to Acupuncture for Infertility

Acupuncture is becoming widely popular to not only ease the pain of labor, but to actually help couples with infertility disorders. Although rare, even this treatment is not without its share of risks and complications. Alternatives exist to treat infertility.?

1. A Healthy Diet?


A healthy diet with meats and plenty of protein sources, along with fruits and vegetables, are often recommended by physicians rather than acupuncture infertility treatments.

Supplements may be added to the diet to improve ovulation. Omega Oils are part of this list of beneficial supplements. Omega fatty acids may extend the cycle.?Vitamin B6 may correct the timing of ovulation. Some reports indicate that Folic Acid may increase the production of eggs. Additionally, studies show that Vitamin E and Vitamin C may also encourage?ovulation and?fertility. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional as to the amount of supplements that should be taken, as each individual is different and may require additional or less supplementation, or even none at all. Rather than supplements, Omega 3 fatty acids may be found in foods such as walnuts, almonds, soybeans, flaxseed, cauliflower, cabbage and spinach. Sardines, salmon, tuna, and a variety of other fish foods also contain Omega 3 fatty acids, but it is good to be cautious as to the amount of mercury they may contain.

Many physicians recommend consuming organic foods that have little to no toxic chemicals. Some individuals believe that eating a lot of dairy products could increase the chance to conceive. Many doctors suggest stopping all drugs including smoking and avoiding alcohol consumption when trying to get pregnant.

2. Exercising to?Reduce Stress

Although there is no proof that stress affects fertility, many physicians claim that the level of stress can indeed play an important part with conception. Yoga?or meditation and exercise are all great ways of relieving stress. Spas and retreats are also another option. With regards to lifestyle, a change for the better is often necessary for fertility.

3. Herbs to Achieve Hormonal Balance

Both women and men have had success with taking natural fertility mixes of herbal supplements. Studies show that herbs may help to achieve a balance of hormones, which in turn can assist with conception. Some herbs that are known to promote ovulation are wild yams, red clover flowers, black cohosh and even pumpkin seeds. Chaste tree is known to correct problems with the ovaries. Herbs should only always be used with the guidance of a qualified physician.

4. Fertility Drugs to Promote Ovulation

Fertility drugs such as Clomid and Gonadotropin may promote ovulation, but they also increase the chance of multiple births.

5. Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep can regulate a woman's hormonal cycle and men's sperm maturation, so getting a good night's sleep is vital for both partners. Also, men should avoid hot baths or showers as sperm thrive in cooler temperatures. For women, some practitioners recommend avoiding caffeine as it may interfere with ovulation. But for men, having caffeine may increase sperm motility.

Although?alternative measures?may promote ovulation and fertility,?some individuals?achieve?success?with acupuncture infertility treatments.

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