Benefits and Risks of Herbal Medicine

Both herbal medicine and conventional medicine contain risks and benefits. Many conventional drugs were initially plant based. Today, it is possible to isolate plant compounds to produce synthetic medicines. 

Herbal medicine is usually part of an alternative or complimentary treatment plan. Practitioners of herbal medicine have extensive knowledge about the plants they use. Many plants can cause serious problems, if not used properly. 


In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbal products. The FDA categorizes herbs as dietary supplements. Unlike conventional medicines, dietary supplements are not subject to testing and research, before marketing. 

Many of these herbs (dietary supplements) are imported; therefore, the quality and contaminants of these products often remains unknown. There have been reports of herbal products containing arsenic or lead. Growing conditions also affect the efficacy of herbal products. The same herb grown in different regions or under different conditions may vary in potency. At present, there is no method of regulating potency in the U.S.

Prescription Medications and Herbs

Many herbs can affect the efficacy of prescription medication. Some herbs should not be taken with certain medications, because of the risk of developing a more serious condition, or possibly death. 

In some cases, herbs can interfere with clotting, deplete potassium, lower or raise blood sugar, or create other dangerous interactions. Pregnant and nursing women should only use herbs under the direction of their physician and herbal practitioner.

Over the counter medication may also interact with particular herbs. In some cases, particular fruits and vegetables may interfere with herbal medicines. In addition, some herbs are dangerous when used together. Practitioners of herbal medicine are able to advise you of the risks. 

Herbal Medicine and Life-threatening Conditions

Herbal medicine is usually used in combination with conventional medicine. More and more physicians are offering alternative treatments in their practice. Herbal practitioners also realize the importance of conventional medicine in the treatment of serious illness. 

Herbal medicine may not be effective in treating all conditions. Herbs tend to work slowly, because they accumulate in the body. Conventional care is recommended in emergency situations, because drugs can be administered quickly and effectively.


Herbal medicine is often used to treat symptoms of disease. This is especially helpful in alleviating pain and discomfort. However, it does not replace the use of conventional medicine in the treatment of disease. 

In some cases, herbal products are used to enhance health and ward off serious disease. Herbs are often used to treat mild cases of depression, anxiety or stress. Others are used to increase levels of chemicals or elements lacking in the body. Some herbs may be used as an aid to weight loss, nicotine addiction and substance abuse. New research indicates that herbal medicine may effectively help in overcoming alcoholism.

Herbal medicine may be effective in treating minor conditions, in which immediate medical treatment is not needed. Examples of this type of treatment include treatment of colds and viruses, minor cuts, sore aching muscles, sunburn and minor burns. Many herbs are used to treat fever, diarrhea and vomiting. Herbs may also help migraine sufferers.

Consult with a trained specialist before engaging in any herbal medicine treatment plan.

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