Fertility Massage: Mayan Abdominal Massage

Men and women seeking alternative fertility treatments are often recommended a fertility massage. Presenting a blend of traditional massaging methods and other forms of alternative treatments like acupuncture and reflexology, a fertility massage is an undemanding way of curing infertility. Among these massages, abdominal massages are highly demanded. Abdominal massages are conducted directly upon the pelvic area within which most of the reproductive organs are present. Within the niche of abdominal massages, Mayan Abdominal Massage is a traditional and highly-reputed massaging approach.

Understanding Mayan Abdominal Massage

The core concepts of this massaging technique have been traced back to the historic civilization of the Mayans that were present in Central America. This massaging technique was uncovered during the mid-1980s by an American, alternative medicine specialist called Rosita Arvigo. She discovered the effectivity of various kinds of Mayan healing methods including chanting practices, use of herbal medications and spiritual healing. However, she pursued Mayan massaging techniques that are referred to as ‘la sobada’ by the Central American natives.

Mayan massages actually have a wide range of application wherein they are used for treating various kinds of diseases. However, their utility in curing displaced internal organs is very impressive. This has made them particularly effective for treating female reproductive problems.

This is because most women struggling with infertility represent some sort of medical condition affecting their uterine functions. Impaired uterine health is among the most common causes of infertility among women. Mayan massage is particularly effective for restoring the alignment and vigor of the uterus and this is why it is referred to as Mayan Uterine Massage.

Application of Mayan Abdominal Massage

Most women tend to develop a certain degree of displacement in their uterus as they age. In some women, this can lead to infertility problems, while in some it may not induce any noticeable symptoms.

Weakness of uterine muscles or ligaments causes gradual but sustained shifting of the uterus. Orientation of the uterus is critical for sustaining a pregnancy since it is the site of fertilization and the early development of embryo. A misplaced uterus can lean against the colon or bladder, inducing bodily pains that are hard-to-detect but can complicate conception.

People who follow the concept of energy balance believe that a displaced uterus disrupts the energy flow of the entire core in the female’s body. Mayan abdominal massage is aimed at restoring the original position of the uterus. This is very helpful in treating many other, related conditions that might be causing infertility. This includes blocked fallopian tubes and uterine bleeding. A displaced uterus weighs upon the surrounding organs leading to congestion of the reproductive tract. Women with a shifted uterus are more prone to menstrual cramps, painful intercourse and uterine fibroids/polyps.

Causes of Displaced Uterus

  • Injury in pelvic region due to accidents
  • Weakness of pelvic ligaments due to overstretching during childbirth
  • Internal damage to uterine tissue by high-impact exercises
  • Uterine weakness due to genetic causes and aging
  • Uterine inflammation caused by invasive surgeries

Mayan Massage Methodology

This massaging method is undemanding and quite soothing since it is essentially a specialized form of deep-tissue massaging. The slow massaging action is aimed at gently relocating the uterus along with restoring the state of internal balance or homeostasis in the pelvic area.

Mayan massage gently alleviates the excess pressure induced by the displaced uterus on the surrounding lymph nodes, veins and arteries, helping in better circulation of bodily fluids. This also initiates a minimal form of detoxification wherein the rejuvenated organs are gradually stimulated into filtering-out the impacted toxins. Mayan massage practitioners may recommend herbal preparations, steam baths and castor oil packs to fasten the results.

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