Preimplantation Genetic Screening: Recurrent IVF Failure

Using PGD testing methods, preimplantation genetic screening or PGS helps IVF couples with a history of repeated IVF failures by identifying reasons for the repeated loss of pregnancy.

Recurrent IVF failure

Recurrent IVF failure is also referred to as RIF. This condition is established when the IVF couple has a history of three or more IVF attempts using healthy embryos. The benchmark for three IVF failures to qualify as a RIF IVF couple is set since initial failure in IVF attempts is common among some couples, wherein the health of the ovum or sperm or both is not up to the usual standards.

Role of PGS in Preventing IVF Failure

Preimplantation Genetic Screening is often referred to as aneuploidy testing, since it helps to identify one of the most common forms of chromosomal disorders responsible for IVF failure (aneuploidy). This refers to a condition where the embryonic cells either have an excessive or deficient number of chromosomes. Through PGS, embryos with such chromosomal disorders can be identified, ensuring that healthy embryos, capable of sustaining the pregnancy, are chosen for implantation in the uterus of the IVF female.

It should be noted that Preimplantation Genetic Screening cannot guarantee that people with a history of RIF will have successful pregnancies. This is because it is aimed at decoding and eliminating certain types of chromosomal abnormalities and that, too, with some technical limitations.

However, IVF couples with RIF largely benefit from a timely Preimplantation Genetic Screening; their chances of a successful pregnancy are raised appreciably. In fact, recurrent IVF failure is regarded as one of the most primary indications for PGS. It is more applicable to IVF couples wherein the reasons for IVF failures aren't clear despite repeated clinical testing.

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