Natural Sex Selection Options

With modern technology, advanced knowledge and at-home techniques, sex selection of an unborn child can now be done. The alternatives, medical and natural methods, will allow parents to choose whether to have a baby girl or boy. If one sex is preferred because of culture, religion, genetics or other factors, patients may be curious about sex selection.

If the idea of artificial process is somewhat unreachable because of the cost, requirements, morality issues, etc., then try natural sex selection options. These do-it-yourself methods are obviously less risky, and they've become more popular and reliable in recent years.

1. Chinese Pregnancy Calendar and Gender Predictor

This lunar conception method has existed for about a millennium and is still being used as reference all over the world. One just needs the mother’s age during the time of conception and the baby’s conception month. This is according to the ancient Chinese belief that it is the woman who chooses the sex of the baby. However, this gender prediction is good for women that are already pregnant.

2. Shettles Method

This approach is gaining popularity because of its scientific basis and higher success rate. The Shettles method focuses on the time of ovulation, sexual position, cervix’s environmental pH and even orgasm that can affect the sperm’s viability. It is believed that an acidic environment, closer to the ovulation cycle, deep penetrating intercourse and the woman having the first orgasm will favor a baby boy, and the opposite for a girl.

3. O+12 Timing Method

In contradiction to the Shettles method, this alternative uses a fixed time for conception which is outside the ovulation time. Based on the study, the couple should conceive the baby once and 12 hours after the start of ovulation to have a baby girl. Moreover, male ejaculation will abstain 7 days prior to mating and until the completion of the ovulation period.

4. Pregnancy Diet

The fact that sex-determining sperms differ from each other (in terms of a favorable environment) led to the creation of this method. By altering one's diet, a soon-to-be mother can make her body condition preferable to her chosen sex. Eating foods high in calcium and magnesium will increase the body’s acidity, thus favoring the girl-determining sperm, while foods high in sodium and potassium will lead to the reverse.

5. Supplements, Herbs and Vitamins

Looking at available products on the market, you can find several supplements that can promote gender selection by altering pH, estrogen levels and cervical mucus. However, be wary about their components before using. It's best to consult with a specialist for their safety and effectiveness, while boosting the chance of having a baby boy or girl.

6. Fertility Calendars

These are based on the mother’s regular fertility days and will give advice on what dates are recommended for the preferred baby’s sex.

7. Biorhythms Method

These are also called the circadian rhythms of nature that even govern the body’s hormonal secretion. According to this method, the mother’s biorhythms and the combination of its cycles are involved in predetermining the baby’s sex because of its influence on the vaginal environment and egg membrane’s electromagnetism.

Although gender selection is a viable option, having a healthy baby should be the primary concern of expectant parents.

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