Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction Remedies: Graphites

Among the erectile dysfunction treatments, homeopathic remedies have been proven extremely effective. Graphites may be used in homeopathic dilutions and can increase libido and solve erectile dysfunctions in certain patients. The solution can only be applied in male patients with fertility problems.


The graphites are minerals derived from carbon. The graphites are commonly used in the making of pencils and are ideal for artistic drawing. However, the graphites are chemical elements that can also be used in homeopathy, along with other animal and herbal ingredients.

Graphites and Male Sexual Dysfunctions

The graphites can be used in homeopathic dilutions and are recommended for male patients that have fertility problems due to:

  • Lack of libido or sexual desire
  • Premature ejaculation or no ejaculation at all
  • Erectile dysfunction, no erections or early erections
  • Patients that have a psychological problem and cannot perform sexually due to an aversion towards sexual intercourse
  • Patients with genital herpes may also benefit of graphites dilutions
  • Patients that suffer from shyness

The graphites dilution should be applied twice or 3 times per day for several months. At least 3 months of treatment are required for results to be visible. If the patient is also affected by anxiety, stress or irritability (may be due to an erectile dysfunction), the homeopath will decide to add some Nux Vomica in the dilution, to help the patient overcome his problems.

Sulfur is often added to the dilution to make the solution more effective. The concentration of the dilutions will vary, according to the condition and the evolution of the patient. The homeopath may increase the concentration; however, if the patient shows signs of improvement, the concentration will be gradually reduced until the patient gets only a placebo solution.

Graphites Toxicity

As the graphite solutions are frequently used for male premature ejaculation problems, these solutions will be available in pharmacies without prescription.

However, graphites may be toxic in high amounts, so the patient has to consult a homeopath prior to getting started with the treatment. The indicated dose should never be increased without the consent of the homeopath.

Graphites Dilution Effectiveness

The patient under the homeopathic treatment will get dilutions 2 to 4 times per day and will be periodically assessed by the homeopath. The condition may improve after 3 or more months and in this case, the patient should discontinue the treatment.

The effectiveness of graphites treatment will depend on each patient in part and the patient’s general state of health. In many patients, the homeopathic treatments are effective and will enable the patient to conceive within 6 to 12 months after discontinuing the treatment.

However, some patients may not react to this treatment and if no improvement occurs after 6 months of treatment, a different type of dilution should be introduced.

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