Recovery after Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer

Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) is one of the more invasive types of fertility treatments, so preparing yourself for the recovery process by knowing what you'll go through can help you cope when the time comes. However, despite being one of the more invasive types, the procedure won't require much strenuous recovery.

Immediately Following the Procedure

You may be put under anesthesia for the duration of the zygote intrafallopian transfer process or you may just have local anesthetic on your abdomen, where the incision will be made. Once the procedure is over, you will be taken to a hospital or clinic room where your fertility specialist will be able to monitor your progress. Depending on your age and relative health, you may be kept only a few hours in the hospital or clinic and be able to go home later the same day. However, you may also be kept for a couple of days so that your fertility specialist is more accurately able to monitor the process of the zygotes using an ultrasound to see whether or not the procedure was a success.

You will feel some pain, particularly in the incision area, immediately after the procedure. Your fertility specialist may provide you with some light pain relievers, but because the pain will be somewhat minor and you'll be experiencing a crucial period for the possible impregnation, you may be asked to do without. Depending on the types of stitches, you may be asked to keep your incision area moist with antibiotic ointment to prevent the skin from scabbing over the stitches.

After You've Been Discharged

Once you've been discharged, you'll need to take it easy at home for a period of seven to ten days. You can get some minor physical activity in, such as short walks around the house, but you should be careful to avoid vigorous activity. You should stay home from work and rest in bed for most of the time. Not only will you still need to recover from the pain of the zygote intrafallopian transfer, which should be subsiding over the next few days, but you will want to provide your reproductive system with rest during the crucial first week of recovery.

You will be asked to return for ultrasounds and/or take a pregnancy test somewhere between ten to fourteen days after the procedure. This is about the time when you'll know if the zygote(s) successfully took.

After Becoming Pregnant

If your zygote intrafallopian transfer procedure proves successful, you will need to follow the lifestyle changes and routines that all pregnant women do, from regular pre-natal care to dietary and physical activity restrictions. Because you likely experienced problems conceiving before, your fertility specialist may want to keep a closer eye on your progress and have you make more regular visits to her office. Depending on your age and the perceived fragility of the pregnancy, you may be asked to take more precautions than most pregnant women to insure a safe pregnancy, including perhaps significant bed rest.

Be sure to follow any additional recovery instructions provided by your fertility specialist following the zygote intrafallopian transfer procedure. Being careful and allowing yourself adequate rest can increase the chances of your procedure being a success.

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