Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Access to Services

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is more commonly known as PGD, and it is a relatively new technique used on certain patients that undergo in vitro fertilization. Presently, the access to the PGD services is restricted and only a few fertility clinics offer this type of diagnosis.

The Role of PGD in IVF

Patients that opt for IVF may benefit from preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), but presently, only a limited number of patients can have access to this type of diagnosis. The candidates for PGD include:

  • Mothers over the age of 40, when the eggs may have chromosomal defects
  • If there are genetic diseases in the families of the biological parents
  • If the parents have had a child with a genetic defect

The embryo will be tested when it is 3 to 5 days old and if it is healthy, it will be introduced in the mother's uterus.

Access to PGD

Due to the fact that the preimplantation genetic diagnosis is a new technique, not all fertility clinics offer this option. Only a limited number of fertility doctors have been trained in this technique.

Consequently, the procedure is highly expensive and only certain patients can benefit from PGD. The selection will be made based on the age of the mother, the genetic diseases of both parents and the risks of having embryos with defects.

PGD is still being researched and it is improved each year. This means that the procedure will be made available for several other clinics in the future.

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