Can I get paid to donate sperm? If so, how much?

Answers from doctors (2)

Duke Fertility Center

Published on Jun 06, 2016

The amount a man receives will differ depending on the region, facility and other factors. Therefore, I can only recommend you Google sperm banks in your area, then call each to find out what their rate is.

Answered by Duke Fertility Center

The amount a man receives will differ depending on the region, facility and other factors. Therefore, I can only recommend you Google sperm banks in your area, then call each to find out what their rate is.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Cleveland Clinic

Published on Apr 18, 2016

You can get paid to donate sperm. As for how much, that depends on the sperm bank. Do an Internet search of the sperm banks in your area, then call and compare pricing.

Answered by Cleveland Clinic

You can get paid to donate sperm. As for how much, that depends on the sperm bank. Do an Internet search of the sperm banks in your area, then call and compare pricing.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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