My third month taking clomid, do you have any advise?

I take pills to get my period and this will be my third month taking clomid. I'm 27 and scared my husband and I won't have any other children do you have any recommendations?

Answers from doctors (1)

Servy Institute for Reproductive Endrocrinology

Published on Jun 22, 2016

If you don't conceive this month, be sure all the appropriate testing has been done. Also, be sure you are ovulating and add intrauterine insemination. It will likely require that you see a fertility center for this.

Answered by Servy Institute for Reproductive Endrocrinology

If you don't conceive this month, be sure all the appropriate testing has been done. Also, be sure you are ovulating and add intrauterine insemination. It will likely require that you see a fertility center for this.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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