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Tubal Reversal Questions

Can having a uterine artery embolization cause a tubal ligation to be reversed?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had a uterine artery embolization and now I think I'm pregnant. Could this procedure have reversed my tubal ligation? Read more
I'm 30 years old and have my tubes tied, am I a good candidate for a tubal reversal?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I am 30 years old and had a tubal ligation performed in 2008. The doctor who performed my surgery cut segments of my tubes. I now want to become pregnant. Is a tubal reversal right for me? Read more
Am I eligible for a tubal reversal if I've had a bilateral tubal ligation via the Pomeroy method?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
My report says bilateral tubal ligation via Pomeroy method. It also says a 3cm segment was ligated from both tubes. The final report states the left tube consists of 1.5 x 0.4 cm segment of tube, while the righ... Read more
Can I have a tubal reversal after a bilateral tubal ligation via partial salpingectomy?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had this procedure done in 1999. Please let me know if a tubal reversal is possible for me. Read more
How good are your chances of reversal with laparoscopy with bilateral tubal cauterization?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
How good are your chances of reversal with laparoscopy with bilateral tubal cauterization? Read more
I'm a 40-year-old woman whose tubes have been cut, tied and burned. If I get a reversal, can I get pregnant?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I had a tubal ligation 17yrs ago. Can I still get a tubal reversal and if so, what are my chances of becoming pregnant? Read more
How can I begin preparing myself for reversal surgery? What can I do to increase my chances of becoming pregnant afterwards?
Tubal Reversal -3 answers
I am 34 years old with four children. I want to have another child, but my tubes were clamped after an ectopic fifth pregnancy. How can I begin preparing myself for reversal surgery? What can I do to increase m... Read more
Tubes were cut during tubal ligation. Chances of getting reversed?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
What if my tubes were surgically cut during my tubal ligation? What are the chances of them being reversed? Read more
Will a Tubal Reversal work 5 years after having a Tubal Ligation?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had my tubes tied/burnt about 5 yrs ago. I want to know if it will work because I don't know if it is really worth paying so much. I have looked every where and prices keep going up. Read more
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Is there an estimate of how long after Tubal Reversal that one can concieve?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
Is there an estimate of how long after Tubal Reversal that one can conceive? And if I have clamps on my tubes will it decrease my success rate for pregnancy? Read more
Is tubal reversal the choice for me? Doctor removed cross section.
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I made a very bad decision due to hormones and outside influence to have a parkland tubal. Since the day I had the tubal I have regretted it greatly. In the records it states the Dr removed the whole cross sect... Read more
What is the success rate of Tubal Reversal?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
What is the procedure/success rate and risks of tubal ligation reversal? Read more
Are there different types of tubal reversal procedures? If so, which is the most common and effective?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I had a laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation with Falope rings in 2004. I had a HCG done in 2009. The doctor stated I would be a good candidate for a tubal ligation reversal. Are there different types of tubal... Read more
Can I get pregnant if I have a tubal reversal? I've had polyps/cysts and only have one ovary and one tube.
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I went through fertility twice and lost my second child at 5 months. They found polyps on my uterus. Got them removed and 6 months got pregnant with no IVF. In 2009, I got tubes tied and had one ovary and one t... Read more
I am 34 years old, what are my chances of getting pregnant?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I am 34 years old and had my surgery after my fourth child. Three years later I got pregnant and now have a healthy 7 yr old. He is my fifth. I remarried and we would love to have one of our own. Are my chances... Read more
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