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Tubal Reversal Questions

I am almost 42 years old, can I become pregnant if I have a tubal reversal?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had my tubes tide almost 17 years ago; I am now nearly 42 years old. Do you think I would have a good chance of becoming pregnant after my tubes are reversed? Read more
I just turned 39 years old, is a tubal reversal right for me?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I just turned 39 years old. I'm healthy and so are my 6 children. I had my tubes clamped 6 weeks after my last baby, but I am considering having another. I still have regular periods. Could a tubal reversal wor... Read more
At 32 years old, am I a candidate for a tubal reversal?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I am 32 years old. I had a tubal ligation 9 years ago. According to the report, fallopian tubes were held in mid portion and mesosalpinx was incised and then a 3 cm segment of fallopian tube was tied off bilate... Read more
Am I candidate for the tubal reversal procedure?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had a tubal fulguration (bilateral) in October of 2010. The operative note states that my tubes were cauterized in several places. But, when I look at the photo given, it looks as if they are laying on top o... Read more
I've had three C-sections and a tubal ligation, can I have more children if I get a reversal?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had 3 c-sections and I made a big mistake burning my tubes. Is it possible to have a tubal reversal. If so, can I become pregnant again? I want to have a child with my new fiance. Read more
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What are my chances of becoming pregnant after a tubal reversal if I am 46 years old?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I can't afford IVF treatments, but still want to have a baby with my current husband. Is a tubal reversal right for me? Can it help me achieve my goal of becoming pregnant? Read more
Is it possible to become pregnant after a tubal reversal if I am 40 years old?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I am 40 years old and have had 6 children with my former husband. Now that I am remarried, we would like to have a child together. Is this possible if I have tubal reversal? Read more
How can I become pregnant after an eptopic pregnancy and tubal ligation?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I want to get a tubal reversal and I want it by the time I get married, which will be on my 33rd birthday. What can I do to make this happen? I had an ectopic pregnancy previously and also had my tubes tied. Read more
I've have deep vein thrombosis, is a tubal reversal still possibe?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had my tubes cut & burned 10 years ago. Since then, I have undergone 2 back surgeries, the last of which produced a large DVT in my leg that has refused to budge or diminish in over 2 years. I am 35 years old... Read more
I have a non-threatening aneurysm in my head, can I have a tubal reversal and a successful pregnancy?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I am 42 yrs old, about 5'4 and 142 pounds. I had a tubal clamping in 1999, followed by a brain aneurysm rupture in 2011. It has been coiled, but I have a small aneurysm still in my head that's not threatening. ... Read more
Is a tubal reversal a viable option at age 40?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I am 40 years old and had a tubal reversal done about 8 years ago. On the doctors report it states I had a monopolar tubal with 3cm cauterized. My partner is in good health with a good sperm count. Is a tubal ... Read more
I had a LEEP procedure done when I had my filshie clip tubal. Am I eligible for a tubal reversal? If so, what are my chances of getting pregnant?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I am a healthy 29 yr old who is 5'3 and 135 lbs. I have 3 healthy children. 7 yrs ago I had a LEEP procedure and a filshie clip tubal. What are my chances on having another baby if I undergo a tubal reversal? Read more
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