Pregnancy Fitness and Weight Gain

Pregnancy Fitness and Weight Gain

Because pregnancy is such an exciting time in a woman?s life, it would be unwise to let worries about weight gain interfere with the joy of this special experience. By establishing good eating patterns consisting of small, nutritious meals throughout the day and incorporating appropriate exercise into their routine, expectant mothers can stay within the recommended guidelines for a healthy pregnancy.

Even though she is eating for two, an average 140 pound mother-to-be who doesn?t exercise requires fewer than 1700 calories a day to support her needs and her baby?s development. If she eats more than this amount without adding extra physical activity, she will gain additional body fat. By exercising several days a week and monitoring her caloric intake, a woman can balance the caloric burn and keep her body in the best state to support the pregnancy without dieting, which is not recommended during this time of life.

Although expectant mothers can find special prenatal exercise classes such as yoga and water aerobics, which are usually beneficial on both physical and social levels, doctors say that simply walking or stretching can be adequate. Whether a woman chooses swimming, Pilates, or riding a stationary bike as a way to stay fit, as long as the activity is approved by her doctor and performed consistently, it will help reduce unwanted weight gain and develop muscle tone.

Doctors usually agree that if a fitness program has been routine before a pregnancy begins, it may be continued without being harmful. This means that if a woman has been running before pregnancy, she may continue her program until it becomes uncomfortable. Women may also use exercise machines, particularly during the early months of pregnancy, but as the baby grows, balance may become an issue. At this time, weights and speeds should be reduced or another form of exercise should be considered in order to stay fit.

No matter which exercise program fits one?s lifestyle best, an expectant mom should be vigilant about hydration during a workout. Both mom and baby need water, and getting over heated can be extremely dangerous. Staying fit during pregnancy by eating right and exercising can make the pregnancy, birthing experience and the first months of parenthood more enjoyable for all.

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