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Tubal Reversal Questions

Can a bilertal segmental salpingectomies be reversed?
Tubal Reversal -3 answers
The pathology report says something about 1.6cm on one side and 2.2cm on the other side segment of Fallopian tube. I am 30 years old. Read more
If my tubes were burnt can it still be reversed?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
Can a tubal ligation be reversed? Read more
I had a bilateral tubal ligation and my tubes were crushed, cauterized and suture ligated. Would I be a good candidate for tubal reversal surgery?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
According to the pathology report each tube that was removed measured less than 1 cm. Read more
Is my age, at 36, a problem for a tubal reversal?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I am 36 years of age and was thinking about having this procedure done. Is it to late for me to do this. Read more
How effective is Tubal Reversal?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had tubal ligation 7 years ago I am getting remarried and we have decided to have more children. I am 30 years old what are my chances of getting pregnant if I get tubal reversal? Read more
Can a women who has had her tubes tide, actually have them untied and sucessfully get pregnant?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I was told that I should not waste my money on trying to have a tubal reversal, because a women who has had her tubes tide in the past is just wasting time, money and hope. Due to the fact that it doesn't work.... Read more
Can I get my tubes fixed to have a baby?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I asked a doctor to tie my tubes right after I had a baby. The doctor took a piece of my tubes out, which isn't what I wanted. Now I am remarried and have been with my new husband for over 6 years. Can I have m... Read more
How old is too old to have a tubal reversal?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I am 33 years old. Is it possible for me to conceive after having a tubal reversal? Are there any risk factors I should know about? Read more
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I've had a tubal ligation and endometrial ablation, can I still get a tubal reversal?
Tubal Reversal -3 answers
I am 37 years old. In 1999, I had a tubal ligation (clipped). Then in 2011, I had endometrial ablation. Can I still get my tubes reversed? Read more
Can I get a Tubal Reversal at age 40?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I'm 40 and I considering having a tubal reversal. Is that possible at my age? Also, my doctor said the the Tubal I had done was where they burned my tubes in two places. Will that make a difference on my candid... Read more
Can I have my tubal reversed at age 41?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I am 41 years old and had my tubes tied in 2010 after a C-section. Can I have the tubal ligation reversed? My report says I had bilateral tubal ligation - 2cm tubal segment. Thank you Read more
What are my options if I had my tubes tied?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I had my tubes tied and I want to get pregnant, what are my options? Read more
I had a LEEP procedure done when I had my filshie clip tubal. Am I eligible for a tubal reversal? If so, what are my chances of getting pregnant?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I am a healthy 29 yr old who is 5'3 and 135 lbs. I have 3 healthy children. 7 yrs ago I had a LEEP procedure and a filshie clip tubal. What are my chances on having another baby if I undergo a tubal reversal? Read more
Will tubal reversal make pregnancy possible after tubal ligation and ablation?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I am 30 yrs old had tubal ligation in 2004, ablation in 2010 with d&c and hysterscope. My periods are minimal since ablation, but I still have them. If I get my tubal reversed would I have a high (and healthy) ... Read more
What are my chances of getting pregnant after a tubal reversal?
Tubal Reversal -2 answers
I had a tubal ligation (Falope rings) done when I was 25 years old. I am now 37. If I have the procedure done, what are my chances of getting pregnant? Also, what's the chance that the pregnancy will be ectopic... Read more
What are my chances of becoming pregnant after tubal reversal?
Tubal Reversal -1 answer
I had a tubal done 20 years ago. I am now 43. I married last year and my husband has no children. We would love to have a child together. What are my chances for pregnancy if we did a tubal reversal? Read more
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